Dutch Empire timeline
The Germans gain ground at Ypres after the first significant use of chlorine gas
The Germans make their first effective use of a new weapon, the flame thrower, in an attack on the British in the second batte of Ypres
The English nurse Edith Cavell is court-martialled and executed by German forces in Belgium
A German thrust against the French begins the year-long battle of Verdun
An Allied advance in the valley of the Somme launches a four-month battle with very heavy casualties
Eleven British tanks go into pioneering but ineffective action at the battle of the Somme
Baron von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', shoots down the first of many Allied aircraft

Wounded at the front on the Somme, the poet Wilfred Owen is invalided home to Britain
Haig sends British troops over the top in the third battle of Ypres
Suitable ground is selected by the British at the battle of Cambrai for the first serious deployment of their new tanks
Wilfred Owen, having returned to the front, is killed by machine-gun fire a week before the end of the war
The German air ace Baron von Richthofen is finally shot down, after himself destroying 80 Allied planes
US troops are by now fighting in large numbers on the western front
German tanks cross the borders into neutral Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium
Only two days after crossing the Netherlands border, a German division reaches the coast near Rotterdam
Queen Wilhelmina and the Dutch government escape just in time to Britain
The caretaker government of the Netherlands surrenders to the German invaders
The Belgians surrender to the German armies encircling them north and south
The hiding place in Amsterdam of Anne Frank and her family is discovered by the Gestapo
British forces liberate Brussels and on the next day reach Antwerp
7500 British troops, trapped on the far side of the Rhine at Arnhem, are captured by the Germans