Gothic timeline
Pugin begins work on his first contribution to country house architecture, adding extensive Gothic details to Scarisbrick Hall in Lancashire
Edgar Allan Poe publishes a characteristically gothic tale, The Fall of the House of Usher

Queen Victoria opens the new Houses of Parliament, designed by Charles Barry and Augustus Welby Pugin
The church of St Mary Magdalen in Mortlake, designed in Gothic style by Gilbert Blount, is completed

Victoria and Albert complete their fairy-tale castle at Balmoral, adding greatly to the nation's romantic view of Scotland

British architect George Gilbert Scott designs a memorial for Prince Albert in Kensington Gardens
English author Bram Stoker publishes Dracula, his gothic tale of vampirism in Transylvania
The Allied advance in Italy comes to a halt at the Gothic Line of German defences, north of Florence
Titus Groan begins British author Mervyn Peake's trilogy of gothic novels
The remaining part of Whitton Tower or Whitton Castle, a gothic tower built in the grounds of Whitton Park in the 1740s, is demolished.