Travel timeline

Robert Falcon Scott sails south in the Terra Nova on his second voyage towards the South Pole

Ferdinand Zeppelin's dirigible Deutschland provides the first commercial air service for passengers
The lost Inca city of Machu Picchu is reached by US archaeologist Hiram Bingham

Roald Amundsen and his Norwegian team become the first people to stand at the South Pole
Robert Falcon Scott and his companions reach the South Pole a month after Amundsen - and die on the return journey
US aeroplane designer Glenn Curtis demonstrates the potential of the first successful flying boat, The Flying Fish

The White Star liner Titanic sinks on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, drowning 1513 passengers and crew
The first sea-going diesel-powered ship, the Selandia, is constructed and launched in Denmark
The Morris company launches the Morris Oxford, later known as the Bullnose Morris from the shape of its radiator
The Canadian Arctic Expedition, led by Vilhjalmur Stefansson, sets off to the north
An underground railway opens in Buenos Aires, the first subway in Latin America
More than 1000 die when the liner Empress of Ireland sinks after a collision in the St Lawrence river
The Panama Canal opens to shipping on a neutral basis just two weeks after the start of World War I

An employee of the Metropolitan Railway coins the term Metro-land when promoting the company's services in London's suburbs
William Boeing flies an aircraft built by himself, and a month later sets up in Seattle his own Aero Product company
After an 800-mile journey in an open boat Ernest Shackleton returns to rescue his stranded colleagues in the South Shetlands
The Federal-Aid Highway Act sets up the first national road system in the US
John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown fly from St John's in Newfoundland to Clifden in Ireland
Canadian National Railways is formed from two of the country's largest rail systems
The British airship R-38 bursts into flames on its fourth flight and crashes into the Humber
British manufacturer Herbert Austin launches Britain's first car for the popular market, the Austin Seven or 'Baby Austin'
US aviator Charles Lindbergh, in his single-engine plane Spirit of St Louis, flies solo across the Atlantic from New York to Paris
An Aerial Medical Service is launched in Queensland, Australia, subsequently becoming the Flying Doctor Service
US explorer Richard E. Byrd and two companions make the first flight over the South Pole, in a Ford Tri-Motor

English pioneer aviator Amy Johnson makes a 19-day solo flight in a Gipsy Moth from Croydon (part of London) to Darwin, Australia