Christianity - Papacy timeline
Napoleon creates in northern Italy the Cisalpine Republic, formed from occupied territores including the papal states of Bologna and Ferrara
Pope Pius VI is seized by a French army in Rome and is taken off to captivity in France
Napoleon mends France's fences with Roman Catholicism by agreeing a Concordat with Pope Pius VII
Napoleon annexes the Papal States and is excommunicated by the pope, Pius VII
An uprising in Rome causes Pope Pius IX to flee for safety to a coastal fortress at Gaeta
The prime minister of the papal states, Pellegrino Rossi, is assassinated in Rome
Pope Pius IX returns to Rome under the protection of French troops, with his enthusiasm for any form of change much reduced.
Pope Pius IX issues a papal bull declaring that the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is to be an article of faith for Catholics
The old Cromwell House is demolished and a new one, designed by Robert Philip Pope, is completed by June 1858
Pope Pius IX includes socialism, civil marriage and secular education among eighty modern errors listed in his Syllabus

Pope Pius IX, rapidly losing temporal authority, declares a new dogma – that the pope, when speaking from the throne, is infallible on matters of faith or morals
As the result of a plebiscite, Rome and the remaining papal states are included in the kingdom of Italy
Giuseppe Sarto is elected pope and takes the name Pius X
Giacomo della Chiesa is elected pope and takes the name Benedict XV
Ambrogio Ratti is elected pope and takes the name Pius XI
Pope Pius XI issues an encyclical, Mit Brennender Sorge, condemning the Nazi ideology of racism
Eugenio Pacelli is elected pope and takes the name Pius XII
Angelo Roncalli is elected pope and takes the name John XXIII
Pope John XXIII summons a second Vatican Council
Pope John XXIII dies, only a few month's after the start of the great Vatican council that he has summoned
Italian cardinal Giovanni Montini is elected pope and takes the name Paul VI
Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras meet in Jerusalem, in the first such meeting since 1438
Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras preside over simultaneous ceremonies, in Rome and Istanbul, revoking the mutual excommunications of 1054
Pope Paul VI visits the Patriarch Athenagoras in Istanbul, shocking some Catholics that this visit has preceded one by the Patriarch to Rome
Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras issue a joint declaration, emphasizing mutual respect for each other's traditions