Dynasties and Royalty timeline
Sennacherib moves the Assyrian capital to a new site at Nineveh
Nebuchadnezzar comes to the throne of Babylon, beginning a prosperous reign of more than forty years
Cyrus, king of the Persians, takes Ecbatana, capital city of the Medes, and establishes the first Persian empire
An Etruscan dynasty rules in Rome and Etruscan influence is now dominant throughout central Italy
Darius I wins the Persian throne and ushers in the heyday of the Achaemenid empire
The rulers of Aksum, the first Ethiopian kingdom, claim descent from Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
The kingdom of Magadha, with its capital at Rajgir (near modern Patna), emerges as the dominant power in north India
Philip II sets about making Macedon the most powerful state in Greece

Alexander the Great is born in Pella, the capital of his father Philip II, at the heart of the expanding Macedonian kingdom
Alexander, still only 33, dies in Babylon following a banquet
The spread of Greek rule by Alexander introduces the Hellenistic age, which will last for three centuries

In the carve up of Alexander the Great's empire, Ptolemy wins Egypt and founds the Ptolemaic dynasty – with himself as the pharaoh Ptolemy I
Alexander's corpse, hijacked by Ptolemy, becomes a sacred relic in Alexandria
Chandragupta Maurya seizes the throne of Magadha, in India, and establishes the Mauryan dynasty
Seleucia is founded as a new capital on the Tigris, eclipsing Babylon and recycling much of the older city as building material
Seleucus founds Antioch as a Greek city on the trade route between Mesopotamia and Europe
Asoka, a devotee of Buddhism, wins the Mauryan throne and establishes India's first empire
After 800 years the Zhou dynasty is brought to an end by the ruler of the Qin kingdom
The ruthless Qin dynasty establishes control over the whole of central China
In the Qin dictatorship, all Confucian books are burnt (except those of any practical use) and 460 Confucian scholars are executed
A delegate from imperial China establishes the kingdom of Nam-Viet with himself as king
The Qin emperor, Shi Huangdi, is buried at Xi'an with a vast army of terracotta soldiers
The Han, the first of the great Chinese dynasties, is established
The Parthians develop the site of Ctesiphon, on the east bank of the Tigris opposite Seleucia
Silla becomes the first of the three kingdoms of Korea, followed by Koguryo in 37 BC and Paekche in 18 BC