Democracy and Dissent timeline
Eamon de Valera's faction, Fianna Fáil (Warriors of Ireland), enters mainstream Irish life as a political party
Achmed Sukarno becomes the first chairman of the new Indonesian Nationalist Party
De Valera and his party, the Fianna Fáil, finally take their seats in the Dáil
The age limit for British women to vote is lowered to 21, finally giving them parity with men
Hassan al-Banna, a schoolteacher in Ismailia, founds the Muslim Brotherhood – to campaign for a society based on the Qu'ran with the sharia as its legal system
Margaret Bondfield becomes the first woman to sit in the British cabinet, as minister of labour
Adolf Hitler puts Joseph Goebbels at the head of the Nazi party's propaganda campaign
The Nazis become the second largest party in the Reichstag, winning 107 seats
Wallace D. Fard founds the Nation of Islam as a black separatist movement in the USA
Adolf Hitler stands for election as president of the German republic and wins 36% of the vote
Troops using bayonets and tear gas drive out of Washington the Bonus Army, a group of protesting unemployed war veterans
Winning 230 seats in the election, the Nazis become the largest party in the Reichstag (albeit not with a majority)
The electoral campaign for a new Reichstag, demanded by Hitler, is conducted with escalating Nazi violence
Adolf Hitler wins massive referendum support for his withdrawal of Germany from the Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations
Elijah Muhammad takes control of the Nation of Islam, or Black Muslims, and leads the movement for more than 40 years
The Scottish National Party, or SNP, is founded to campaign for an independent Scotland
In a referendum 38 million German voters say yes to Adolf Hitler becoming Führer, Germany's supreme leader
Mohammed Ali Jinnah becomes president of the Muslim League in India

The people of the rich mining district of the Saar vote to merge with Germany
George Gallup founds the American Institute of Public Opinion and becomes the pioneer of modern polling techniques
The Austrian chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg, defies Hitler by announcing a referendum on his country's independence
The Sudeten German National Socialist Party demands secession from Czechoslovakia, in keeping with Hitler's plans for the Sudetenland
Voters in both Germany and Austria give massive approval for Hitler's annexation of Austria
Robert Menzies, leader of the United Australia Party, becomes Australia's prime minister
Jan Smuts defeats J.B.M. Hertzog in a vote on neutrality, and takes Hertzog's place as South African premier