Communism timeline
Lenin persuades the Bolshevik central committee to vote for an armed insurrection
Lenin issues a Decree of Peace, inviting Russia's enemies to enter into immediate peace negotiations
Lenin's Decree on Land abolishes private ownership of large estates and promises the land to the peasants
Lenin dissolves the elected assembly in Petrograd to establish a one-party Soviet state
The Bolsheviks, now in power, change their name to the more resounding Russian Communist Party
At Brest-Litovsk Lenin signs a peace treaty with Germany and Austria, ceding vast territories and valuable resources
Lenin moves the capital of Russia from Petrograd back to Moscow
Civil war enables the Bolsheviks to impose a rigid system of state control on the Russian economy, through War Communism and Food Brigades
The Spartacus League transforms itself into the Communist party of Germany
A Communist uprising in the Ruhr is suppressed with difficulty by the German army
With massive force, and huge casualties, Lenin puts an end to a naval mutiny at Kronstadt
In a major economic U-turn, Lenin's New Economic Policy allows peasants to hold markets and sell the surplus of their product
Mao Zedong leads a delegation to the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai

Lenin creates a powerful new post for Joseph Stalin, as General Secretary of the Communist Party
Lenin has a stroke, removing him for five months from active control of party and state
Stalin devises the structure for a new federal state, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Lenin has a second stroke, putting him finally out of action in political terms
Lenin's third stroke prevents the publication of his Testament, which urges upon the party the removal of Stalin
Germany's communists organise uprisings in Saxony, Thuringia and Hamburg
The USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) officially comes into being, with a newly written constitution
Lenin's death is followed by an intense power struggle in the Kremlin between Stalin, Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev
Communists seize power in Jiangxi province and establish the first soviet republic in China
Right-wing Chinese army officer Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) launches an anti-Communist coup in the Canton region
Stalin expels from the Communist party his main opponents, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Trotsky
A second anti-Communist coup enables Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) to set up a National Government in Nanjing