Mexico timeline
Cortes loses control of Tenochtitlan and has to escape in haste with his men during 'the Sorrowful Night'
After a little more than a year Cortes recaptures Tenochtitlan and finally establishes Spanish control over Mexico
The conquistadors, settling on land granted to them after the conquest, begin the long process of European emigration to America
The Aztec Virgin of Guadalupe appears to an Indian near Mexico City and tells him she is 'one of his kind'
Spanish galleons assemble each year at Portobelo to deliver European goods and to ship home the metals of Latin America
The parish priest of Dolores sparks a rebellion against the Spanish authorities in Mexico with his Grito de Dolores
Rebels meeting for a conference in Chilpancingo proclaim a short-lived Mexican independence
The Spanish suppress the independence movement in Mexico with the capture and execution of its leader, Jose Maria Morelos
A reactionary movement led by Agustín de Iturbide wins new and lasting independence for Mexico
Agustin de Iturbide declares himself emperor of the new nation of Mexico, as Agustin I
Antonio López de Santa Anna begins the first of five spells as president of Mexico
President Polk sends a US army into Texas, provoking the Mexican-American War
A treaty signed in Guadalupe-Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War, gives the US six new states
Liberal leaders Juan Alvarez and Ignacio Comonfort launch a political programme in Mexico that becomes know simply as 'the Reform'
Conservatives seize Mexico City at the start of a civil war against the Liberal government
The Liberals recover Mexico City and elect Benito Juarez as president
Benito Juarez, president of a bankrupt Mexico, suspends interest payment on the nation's foreign debt
A joint French, Spanish and British force lands in Mexico and captures Veracruz, ostensibly to collect the interest on European debts
The French capture Mexico City and President Juarez flees to the north

The French arrange for the coronation of the Austrian archduke Maximilian as emperor of Mexico
Napoleon III withdraws French troops from Mexico, leaving the emperor Maximilian in a dangerous situation

Maximilian, the emperor of Mexico, and two of his generals are shot after being surrounded and captured at Querétaro
The US consul in Mexico, Edward Herbert Thompson, begins a very profitable excavation at the Mayan site of Chichén Itzá
A revolution begins in Mexico that will last ten years before being resolved
Emiliano Zapata leads peasant groups in the Mexican revolution, under the slogan 'Land and Liberty'