Napoleon timeline
Napoleon annexes the Papal States and is excommunicated by the pope, Pius VII
Napoleon, in response to his excommunication, has pope Pius VII arrested and kept in captivity in northern Italy and then France
Napoleon enters Vienna and defeats the Austrians in a battle at nearby Wagram

Napoleon arranges to have his marriage to Josephine annulled so that he can marry the daughter of an emperor

John Moore dies at Corunna but his army escapes from Spain and gets back to England
Napoleon marries the Austrian archduchess Marie Louise, daughter of the emperor Francis I
The Spanish Cortes flees from the renewed French invasion and establishes itself in Cadiz
A French marshal, Jean Bernadotte, is offered the position of crown prince and heir to the Swedish throne
Marie Louise gives birth to a boy, Napoleon's longed-for heir, to be known as the King of Rome
Napoleon launches an attack on his ally, the Russian tsar Alexander I, with an army of more than 600,000 men
The French author Stendhal serves in the French army during the invasion of Russia
The Russian army under Marshal Kutuzov confronts the advancing French at Borodino, and though defeated makes a successful withdrawal
After victory at Borodino, Napoleon enters Moscow to find the city abandoned and burning

Napoleon begins the retreat from Moscow, in arctic conditions and harried by guerrilla attacks
Napoleon arrives back in Paris ahead of the remains of his army, after losing half a million men in the Russian campaign
The king of Prussia, Frederick William III, changes sides and declares war on France
Wellington defeats Napoleon's brother Joseph at Vitoria, and captures his valuable baggage train
In a treaty with Russia and Prussia at Reichenbach, Austria agrees to declare war on France
Wellington crosses the Bidassoa river in the north of Spain, bringing an enemy army on to French soil for the first time in twenty years

The allies inflict a heavy defeat on Napoleon at Leipzig, in the so-called Battle of the Nations
Napoleon's first empress, Josephine, dies near Paris
The Russian emperor and the Prussian king take a salute in the Champs Elysées after the allies capture Paris

Napoleon abdicates at Fontainebleau and the French senate invites Louis XVIII to return to reclaim his throne
Ferdinand VII, restored to Spain, imposes a reactionary regime and persecutes his liberal opponents

Napoleon goes into exile on the island of Elba, which he immediately treats as a miniature state in need of improvement