Winston Churchill timeline
Winston Churchill gallops into battle with the Twenty-First Lancers at Omdurman
Winston Churchill becomes home secretary in Asquith's Liberal government
Winston Churchill is heavily involved in a bold plan to secure Allied access through the Dardanelles to the Black Sea
Winston Churchill is a firm supporter of a new invention, the tank, encouraging its initial development while still at the Admiralty

Winston Churchill buys Chartwell, a house in Kent that remains his home until his death
Winston Churchill, accepting the position of chancellor of the exchequer in Baldwin's cabinet, returns to the Conservative party
Winston Churchill gives Harold Macmillan his first ministerial appointment, in the Department of Supply
After the German invasion of the Netherlands and Belgium, Winston Churchill replaces Chamberlain as the British prime minister
Winston Churchill, in his first speech to the House of Commons as prime minister, offers the nation nothing but 'blood, toil, tears and sweat'
The Local Defence Volunteers are formed in Britain and are soon given, on Winston Churchill's suggestion, the name Home Guard
Churchill says of the Battle of Britain pilots that never has so much been owed by so many to so few
Churchill appoints Claude Auchinleck as British commander in North Africa and the Middle East
Roosevelt and Churchill publish a joint Atlantic Charter, foreseeing a future free from 'Nazi tyranny'
Churchill gives Harold Macmillan an unusual job, negotiating on behalf of the British government in north Africa and reporting directly to Churchill
Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Casablanca for a strategic conference
Churchill extends Harold Macmillan's responsibilities to include developments in Greece and the Balkans
Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill meet at Yalta to discuss Allied post-war plans
Truman, Stalin and Churchill meet for a summit conference in Potsdam
The British electorate dismisses Winston Churchill, giving the Labour party and Clement Attlee a landslide victory
Winston Churchill, losing the postwar general election in Britain, has to yield his seat at Potsdam in mid-conference to Clement Attlee
Winston Churchill, in a speech in Fulton, Missouri, expresses the harsh truth that an iron curtain has descended across Europe
Appointed minister of housing in Churchill's new government, Harold Macmillan soon achieves the ambitious target of building 300,000 houses a year
Labour loses the general election and Winston Churchill returns to Downing Street as prime minister
Churchill moves Harold Macmillan to a new department, as minister of defence
A painting by Graham Sutherland, commissioned for Winston Churchill's 80th birthday, does not meet with the full approval of the sitter or his wife