Sculpture timeline

Lively and often fantastic figures, cunningly fitted around the capitals of columns, show the vigour of Romanesque sculpture
Buddhist, Hindu and Jain shrines are carved from the rock in the cave temples of Ellora, in India

The biblical kings and queens in the west porch of Chartres cathedral are a striking early example of Gothic sculpture
The Yoruba people of Ife create extraordinary sculptures in brass
A huge bronze sculpture, known as Daibutsu and cast in Kamakura, depicts Amida, the Amitabha Buddha of Pure Land Buddhism
Nicola Pisano completes a pulpit for Pisa, borrowing details from Roman sarcophagi - an early example of a new interest in the classical past
Philip II of Burgundy commissions from Netherlands sculptor Claus Sluter a work, the Well of Moses, which launches the northern Renaissance

The linen drapers of Florence commission a statue of St Mark from Donatello, who carves for Orsanmichele the first free-standing Renaissance sculpture

24-year-old Michelangelo provides for St Peter's in Rome an exquisite Pietà – the Virgin holding on her lap the dead Christ

The people of Benin begin a lasting tradition of sculpture in brass, melted down from objects brought by traders

Michelangelo begins work in Florence on a tall thin slab of marble, which he transforms into David

Pope Julius II summons Michelangelo to Rome to create the pope's own elaborately sculpted tomb
Bernini's youthful Pluto and Proserpina, suggesting soft flesh in cold marble, introduces the lively tradition of baroque sculpture
Wood-carver Grinling Gibbons arrives from Holland to begin an immensely successful career in England
The Flemish-born sculptor Michael Rysbrack creates a momument to Newton in Westminster Abbey
Johann Joachim Winckelmann publishes a book on Greek painting and sculpture which introduces a new strand of neoclassicism
Catherine the Great founds the Hermitage as a court museum attached to the Winter Palace in St Petersburg
Italian sculptor Antonio Canova sets up his studio in Rome and begins producing finely modelled nudes in the Greek style
French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon crosses the Atlantic to sculpt a statue of George Washington from the life at Mount Vernon
Wellington is presented with a twice-life-size nude marble statue, by Canova, of his vanquished enemy Napoleon
The statue of Nelson, by E.H. Baily, is placed on top of its column in Trafalgar Square
The Statue of Liberty, by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, is assembled in Paris before being shipped across the Atlantic
The Statue of Liberty, after crossing the Atlantic, is erected on Bedloe's island in the approach to New York harbour

An aluminium statue of Eros, by English sculptor Alfred Gilbert, is unveiled in Piccadilly Circus
The sculptor Aristide Maillol has his first one-man exhibition, at the Galerie Vollard in Paris