French painting timeline
Dutch painter Vincent Willem van Gogh moves from Antwerp to Paris

Vincent van Gogh invites Paul Gauguin to come and paint with him at Arles, in the south of France

Vincent van Gogh enters a psychiatric asylum in St Rémy as a voluntary patient
A change of palette by Pablo Picasso takes him into what becomes known as his Blue Period
Henri Matisse completes his painting Luxe, Calme et Volupté
Pablo Picasso's palette becomes warmer as Blue evolves into Rose
Henri Matisse, in the south of France, paints The Open Window, Collioure, the first of his many works on this theme
Matisse, Derain and others, exhibiting in Paris their shockingly colourful new works, are dubbed fauves ("wild beasts") by a critic
Pablo Picasso's portrait of Gertrude Stein prefigures cubism in its mask-like treatment of her face
A large retrospective exhibition in Paris gives Paul Gauguin a growing posthumous reputation
Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, a violent transition into cubism, is a turning point in western art
Georges Braque's Houses at L'Estaque introduces analytic Cubism
The French critic Louis Vauxcelles describes Braque's latest landscapes as being composed of cubes, resulting in the term cubism
Henri Matisse completes two large paintings, La Danse and La Musique, for the staircase of Sergei Shchukin's house in Moscow
Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre in Paris
Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2 creates a stir
Georges Braque's Fruit-Dish and Glass adds papier collé (a type of collage) to the conventions of cubism
Guillaume Apollinaire coins the term Orphism for Robert Delaunay's distinctive style of abstraction
The cubist movement enters its second phase, deriving from the use of collage and known as Synthetic cubism
Leonardo's Mona Lisa is recovered two years after its theft when the thief, Vincenzo Perugia, tries to sell it to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
Claude Monet begins the great cyclorama of water-lilies, Nympheas, that he donates to the French nation
The French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is the first to use the term Surrealism
Amedeo Modigliani's first Paris exhibition is immediately closed by the police because it contains paintings of nudes
Pablo Picasso's massive painting Guernica is exhibited in the Spanish pavilion at the World Fair in Paris
Henri Matisse completes the Chapel of the Rosary at Vence, with every detail designed by himself