Drama timeline
John Heminge and Henry Condell publish thirty-six Shakespeare plays in the First Folio

The sculptor and architect Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini is given the task of adding the drama of baroque to the newly completed St Peter's in Rome
Pierre Corneille's play Le Cid, popular with Paris audiences, hinges on the conflict between duty and love
French dramatist Jean Racine's first great success, Andromaque, finds tragic drama in a quadrangle of love
Molière falls fatally ill when acting in his own play Le Malade Imaginaire
Italian dramatist Carlo Goldoni makes a success of plays in the ancient commedia dell'arte tradition
The intensely dramatic music of Gluck's Orfeo ed Eurydice introduces a much needed reform in the conventions of opera
Oliver Goldsmith's play She Stoops to Conquer is produced in London's Covent Garden theatre
Goethe's play Götz von Berlichingen, a definitive work of Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress), has its premiere in Berlin
Figaro makes his first appearance on stage in Beaumarchais' The Barber of Seville

Richard Brinsley Sheridan's second play, The School for Scandal, is an immediate success in London's Drury Lane theatre
In Brook Watson and the Shark John Singleton Copley creates the most intensely dramatic of his modern history paintings
Friedrich von Schiller's youthful and anarchic play The Robbers causes a sensation when performed in Mannheim
US painter and author William Dunlap has great success with his comedy The Father; or, American Shandyism
The Swedish king Gustavus III is assassinated at a midnight masquerade in Stockholm – an event later dramatized by Verdi
Goethe and Schiller become friends, and together create the movement known as Weimar classicism
Victor Hugo's romantic drama Hernani provokes a riot in the Paris audience on the first night
Russian poet Alexander Pushkin publishes a grand historical drama, Boris Godunov
The Inspector General, a farce by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol satirising Russian offialdom, has tsar Nicholas I in the audience for the premiere
William Hickling Prescott brings the Conquistadors dramatically to life in his 3-volume History of the Conquest of Mexico
US inventor Elisha Otis dramatically demonstrates his new safety elevator, cutting the rope suspending his platform in New York's Crystal Palace
Longfellow's narrative poem Paul Revere's Ride dramatizes a turning point at the start of the American Revolution

Hungarian physician Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis publishes his discovery that deaths from puerperal fever can be dramatically reduced by a strict hand-washing routine
Mrs Henry Wood publishes her first novel, East Lynne, which becomes the basis of the most popular of all Victorian melodramas
English actor Henry Irving plays what becomes one of his most famous parts, that of Mathias in the melodrama The Bells