Events relating to south africa

UNITA revives the Angolan civil war after the MPLA wins a decisive election victory

Apartheid ends in South Africa, after two thirds of white voters vote for its abolition in a referendum

Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk are jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their partnership in South Africa

Hastings Banda, president since independence in 1964, is defeated in Malawi's first multiparty elections

Violent gangs, calling themselves the Mugabe War Veterans Association, start to 'liberate' more than 100,000 sq km of white-owned farmland in Zimbabwe

UNITA's widespread advance in Angola's long civil war brings terror and starvation

The death of Jonas Savimbi is soon followed by the disbanding of UNITA and the end of 27 years of Angolan civil war

Jacob Zuma is elected president of the African National Congress in South Africa, in place of Thabo Mbeki

Thabo Mbeki resigns as President of South Africa, after losing the support of his party, the African National Congress

Kgalema Motlanthe is elected temporary President of the Republic of South Africa after the resignation of Mbeki

Spain beats the Netherlands 1-0 in the final of the FIFA World Cup in the Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg

Scientists announce the discovery in South Africa of Homo naledi, a previously unknown species of early human

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