Events relating to south africa

The MPLA, controlling the capital but not the country, declares itself the government of newly independent Angola

UNITA and the FNLA join forces to set up a rival Angolan government at Huambo, in the south of the country

Portuguese East Africa becomes independent as Mozambique, with Frelimo as the only political party

In Angola the USA and USSR fund rival guerrilla groups, MPLA and UNITA

Cuban troops, sent by Castro to Angola, clash with South African forces attempting to combat communism

A guerrilla movement, with Rhodesian backing, launches a long civil war against Frelimo in Mozambique

Hundreds of deaths and casualties result from police firing on a demonstration by schoolchildren in the black township of Soweto

Steve Biko, founder of Black Consciousness, dies of head wounds received in police custody in Pretoria

A conference in London, at Lancaster House, finally achieves agreement on Southern Rhodesia

Rhodesia becomes independent, taking the name Zimbabwe, with Robert Mugabe as prime minister

The film Cry Freedom, directed by Richard Attenborough, tells the story of Steve Biko, killed in police custody in South Africa

The New York company Dance Theatre of Harlem tours South Africa, with the slogan 'Dancing Through Barriers'

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