Events relating to south africa

UK prime minister Harold Macmillan, in Cape Town, warns the white settlers of Africa that 'the wind of change' is blowing through their continent

South African police fire on a crowd in Sharpeville, near Johannesburg, killing more than sixty people

Madagascar becomes independent (under the name Malagasy republic from till 1975), with Philibert Tsiranana as president

The South West Africa People's Organization is founded to fight against South African control of Namibia

Nelson Mandela leads a new armed section of the ANC (African National Congress), formed in response to Sharpeville

Robert Mugabe and Ndabaningi Sithole split from ZAPU to found ZANU, the Zimbabwe African National Union

Ian Smith, now prime minister of Rhodesia, arrests leading black politicians Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe

South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard, in Cape Town, transplants the heart of a young woman into a 55-year-old grocer, Louis Washkansky

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