Events relating to south africa
J.B.M. Hertzog founds the National Party in South Africa to represent Afrikaner interests
Mahatma Gandhi returns to India after more than twenty years in South Africa
The nearest star to earth, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri 4.22 light years away, is discovered by Robert Innes, Scottish director of the Johannesburg Observatory
South African troops capture German South West Africa
The League of Nations makes South West Africa (Namibia) a mandated British territory, to be administered by South Africa
On the death of Louis Botha, Jan Smuts succeeds him as prime minister of South Africa
The African National Congress (ANC) is formed in South Africa by renaming the South African National Native Congress
Rhodesia becomes a self-governing colony with political power exclusively in the hands of European settlers
James Hertzog's National Party, committed to protecting white privilege, comes to power in South Africa
The British rugby team touring South Africa are for the first time called the Lions
The British government takes on the administration of Northern Rhodesia from the British South Africa Company
The Statute of Westminster defines and formalizes the concept of the British Commonwealth
Jan Smuts defeats J.B.M. Hertzog in a vote on neutrality, and takes Hertzog's place as South African premier
Jan Smuts brings South Africa into the war in support of Britain
Daniel Malan becomes South Africa's prime minister after his National Party wins the general election
Daniel Malan moves swiftly to reinforce apartheid, South Africa's already existing system of racial segregation
Radical young members, including Nelson Mandela, take control of the ANC
Soweto begins to be built outside Johannesburg to segregate the city's black labour force
The British government bans hereditary ruler Seretse Khama from Bechuanaland because he has married a white woman
South African author Nadine Gordimer publishes her first novel, The Lying Days
The two Rhodesias and Nyasaland are merged in the self-governing Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
The MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) is formed as a guerrilla movement to end Portuguese rule
The FNLA is established, with US support, as a guerrilla group to fight for a non-communist independent Angola
Hendrik Verwoerd become prime minister of South Africa on the death of J.G. Strijdom
The Transkei becomes the first African homeland, or Bantustan, within South Africa