All Events

The Han dynasty recovers control, after a 15-year interlude, and moves the capital to Loyang - starting the Eastern Han period

Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee, gathering disciples, preaching and healing

Jesus, at the Last Supper, associates the bread and wine with his own body and blood, establishing the sacrament of the Eucharist

Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate who reluctantly sentences him to death for blasphemy

Jesus Christ is crucified, according to the accounts of his followers, outside the city wall of Jerusalem

Peter becomes the leader of the small community of Christians in Jerusalem

On the road to Damascus, where he intends to persecute the Christians, Saul sees a blinding light

Within the tangled and tormented web of the Roman imperial family, Gaius Caesar - nicknamed Caligula - inherits the throne

The death of Cymbeline is a prelude to the renewed Roman invasion of Celtic Britain

Claudius, after the assassination of his nephew Caligula, is selected as emperor by the praetorian guards

Herod Agrippa, a grandson of Herod the Great, restores a brief calm to Palestine

The Romans invade Britain and the tribal leader Caractacus fails to hold them in an encounter near the Medway

The emperor Claudius catches up with the Roman army, waiting at the Thames for him to lead the final victory over the English tribes

The Roman emperor Claudius reaches Colchester, where a temple is erected to him as a god

Roman legions build the Fosse Way, a raised road with a ditch on each side stretching from Lincoln to Devon

St Paul, taking ship to Cyprus, begins the first of his great missionary journeys

St Paul, on his travels within the Roman empire, begins converting non-Jews (or Gentiles) to the new Christian faith

The Roman surgeon Cornelius Celsus describes in De Medicina how to cut stones from a patient's bladder

The Thessalonians receive the first of Paul's epistles - the earliest text in the New Testament, written in Greek

A western adaptation of the Persian cult of Mithras, evolving probably in Anatolia, is spread through the empire by the Roman army

A working week of seven days is adopted in Rome, based on the seven known planets (whose names provide the days)

The leaders of the Christian church gather in Jerusalem to decide an urgent question - must Gentile converts undergo circumcision?

Tribes speaking Finno-Ugric languages are by now settled around the northeast of the Baltic, in modern Estonia and Finland

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